Väinö Rod Indicators 110mm

Rod Indicators Made of Frostproof Materials

Väinö Rod Indicators are made of materials which can tolerate cold weather. They have been widely tested by ice fishers in Russia where fishing with mormyshka is hugely popular.

Six different tips, packed 25pcs in bulk packing.

Item No Model Length Width
907-00010 Väinö Rod Indicator Medium 90mm 2mm
907-00011 Väinö Rod Indicator Medium 110mm 2mm
907-00013 Väinö Rod Indicator Strong 110mm 2mm
907-00015 Väinö Rod Indicator Medium 110mm 3mm
907-00016 Väinö Rod Indicator Strong 90mm 3mm
907-00017 Väinö Rod Indicator Strong 11mm 3mm
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